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  • Manhattan Beach Ocean Therapy Sessions logo
  • Based on these positive results, JMMF formalized this surfing protocol in what is today the leading Ocean Therapy Program throughout the world. All of our Ocean Therapy sessions are led by licensed therapists who guide pre and post surfing talking circles centered around a chosen theme for the day. Our certified surf instructors are CPR-trained renowned waterman and our Safety Coordinators are lifeguards that have a long history of “watching the water” and providing safety both in and out of the water.

    There is a finely balanced approach and mental health wellness that underpins every session and is tailored to the group we are working with on each day. We “meet them where they are at” and provide the safe space to allow our participants to process and heal at their own pace.

    Located at the Rosecrans Tower in Manhattan Beach at Rosecrans Ave and Ocean Dr.

    Our current partners include: Camp del Corazon, Resiliency Agency, Mychal's Learning Place, Happy Trails Children’s Foundation; Walk With Sally; Didi Hirsch, The Haven at College, Just Keep Living, Friendship Foundation, Richstone and more.

    Additionally our Healthcare Workers sessions and FROPOWR sessions are held at this location.
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In Support of Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation
The Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation is driven by our mission of providing our unique Ocean Therapy Program to help heal those populations suffering from trauma-related mental and physical illness.