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  3. FROPOWR in Manhattan Beach
  4. Andy Dellenbach
FROPOWR in Manhattan Beach logo
FROPOWR = First Responders Oceanic Performance Optimization Wellness & Resiliency. FROPOWR sessions are designed to serve our police, fire, medics and dispatchers that are the front lines of serving our communities. In their line of duty, they face potentially traumatic situations every day. At JMMF, we want to express our gratitude for their service.

Upon signing in, Volunteers will help to gather the boards, and other necessary gear to the beach from the parking lot.

JMMF will have a water station, snacks, and sunscreen at the tent and lunch will be provided, however if there are nutritional requirements please bring your food with you.


hours pledged



Location / Venue

Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation logo
In Support of Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation
The Jimmy Miller Memorial Foundation is driven by our mission of providing our unique Ocean Therapy Program to help heal those populations suffering from trauma-related mental and physical illness.